Saturday, June 18, 2011

Picking Scabs

Why is it that when we get hurt and the wound starts the healing process and starts to scab and eventually scar, we pick at it?....sure it gets itchy its there we just cant leave it alone.
we know it will never heal if we dont stop but we keep doing it.

A scab is like a bad memory that we cant let go of...we may not be able to see it but the places, and people around us are the constant reminders. Its not like we can just move away at any moment and leave everything we know behind....

the current eonomy just wont allow that

so how do we stop?
its not like theres a neosporin for lifes bad moments that will just instantly cure it.

from what ive learned you just find as many happy moments as you can in this moment and in every moment and with focusing on that maybe, just maybe you'll let it heal..

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