Sunday, June 19, 2011


My, Mine, his, theirs, yours, it's...

All words that can be used to say that something or someone belongs to someone or something.
We are humans yes but thats just our species we are still animals, and by nature and instinct we are territorial about our material items, our family, our friends, and most especially significant others.

Most people dont know where they belong in the world but a majority do know who they fit with and say they belong with.

Am I his?


is he mine?

there in lies the issue

in the past there were lavish parties or balls that would celebrate a courtship or engagement, whole cities, states, and countries would know that certain people were taken by one another. Nowadays we have social networking relationship status updates that show who someone belongs to. We are now in a time where the term monogamy is turning into just a word without meaning, sad, but rapidly increasing.

In the Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 they had a festival where you scream out to the world and the heavens that you belong to your love and they belong to you. In The Swan Princess, Prince Derrick was told to make a vow of everlasting love to one woman in front of his entire kingdom soon the world would hear of it.

Sure these are cartoons and fairytales, but they represent events of the past that used to occur, minus all the magic of course. seeing someone is in a relationship with someone else in words doesnt cut it anymore, people still make attempts to take what they want because its not made clear that they can't take what belongs to another. Cities dont have festivals to celebrate courtship their are no balls that connect families and friends....theres the internet. Words that if said over and over again can have no meaning to people. Of course society always progresses, it has its moments of regression but never to that extent again.

My question, wonder, and fear is that will monogamy truely dissapear forever in the coming years and just be a fun idea to try, or a word you can find in the dictionary.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I love this one!!! <3 It really speaks to my inner hopeless romantic.
